Sunday 22 September 2013

A language for your eyes: BSL*

To my Dad.

‘And this one? What is it about?’ I ask Marco showing him one of the EuroSign Interpreters brochures from the pile I’m placing on the table. ‘That one is a similar project to EUROSIGNS 1 and 2, the project aims to bridge the barriers between different Sign languages across Europe.’(1)

I am at the Language Learning Centre of the University of Sussex helping to set up the main meeting room for the celebration of the 10 year anniversary of the recognition of BSL as an official language in the UK. There are around 8 of us helping to get the room ready for the event, among them are BSL interpreters, technicians, and academics responsible for organising language courses. 

But, what is BSL? You may be asking yourself, as I did the first time I saw those three letters printed on a brochure advertising evening language courses at the university. BSL, it turns out, stands for British Sign Language and is the official Sign language used by the Deaf in the UK.